COOK Help Centre
- What is the latest I can place an order for Christmas?
- When will your Christmas peak slots be available to book?
- Can I pre-order COOK Christmas food?
- How do I place an order for home delivery with COOK?
- Is there a delivery charge on home delivery orders?
- Is there a minimum value for online COOK orders?
- Help! I'm struggling to place a COOK home delivery order on your website.
- Help! I can't log into my COOK account to place a home delivery order.
- Can I place an order without registering and checkout as a guest?
- What payment options does COOK accept?
- When will payment be taken for an online COOK order?
- Does COOK deliver every day?
- How long will a COOK order take?
- Can I select a specific time slot for my delivery time?
- Can I place a COOK order for a different address?
- Can I order a COOK home delivery order from abroad?
- Will I get confirmation of my COOK home delivery order?
- Can I place a COOK home delivery order over the phone?
- Can I order my COOK Home Delivery or Click & Collect to be in an insulated box?
- How do I give special instructions for my COOK Home Delivery order? Eg – where to leave etc.
- Can I buy COOK meals as a gift?
- Why can’t I order some dishes for delivery?